This is the 'home' page for ADVANCED STUDIES. You'll find links to all 112 free online Bible lessons for mature students on this page.
Registered Students
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Welcome to Advanced Studies!
These courses are designed especially for adults and mature teens who want more in-depth studies in God's Word. The free Bible lessons here will give you a stronger grasp of how wonderful God's plan is for His children and enable you to put your spiritual roots down deeper into His life and love for you.
*All About Me—the Big # 1
*The Way to Heaven
*New Life in Christ II
*New Life in Christ III
*Practical Christian Living
*God's Great Salvation

All About Me — the Big #1
a series of lessons that deals with the SELF life in all of us

The Way to Heaven
(this course reviews some of the main basics of the Christian faith)
New Life in Christ II
a course all about Jesus Christ
New Life in Christ III

Practical Christian Living

God's Great Salvation