UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


“All About Me—the Big #1” series


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


All About Me—the Big #1

Lesson 4: The Objectives of the Flesh

The Objectives of the Flesh

We have examined the question of what is wrong with the World and the Kingdom of Darkness compared with the Kingdom of Light. Let us remember that the Devil and the World operate from the outside of man seeking to control him, while the Flesh is the man from within.

The outside forces seek to get the Flesh to cooperate with them so that they can do their work. It is like two bank robbers wanting to rob the bank. With bars on the windows and heavy locks on the doors they would have a difficult time, but with someone within cooperating with them, it would be much easier.

The enemy within is the Flesh; and of course, this one would be the last one that would want anyone to know who he is. This is the reason so many Christians are powerless against the enemy, because the Flesh is so powerful in their lives.

The Spirit of God wants to show us the Flesh in our lives so that we can deal with it. The Flesh will not like the Spirit of God pointing His finger at him. The Bible says the Flesh wars against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh. The Spirit of God wants to uncover or reveal the Flesh, and the Flesh wants to stay hidden.

Objectives of the Flesh

wrong motives

Everyone I see I would like to use as a stepping stone

Objectives of the Flesh

wrong attitudes

Everyone who disagrees with me I will destroy

wrong morals

Everyone I see I want to exploit

wrong behavior

Everyone must let me have my way in self-gratification at any cost

In the above chart we want to reveal the Flesh and its motives, attitudes, morals, and behavior. We said, while looking at the above chart, that Satan went from being God-centered to being self-centered and all mankind has followed in his ways.

Someone may say, "What is wrong with this? I'll live self-centered and you live self-centered." The problem comes when we meet up with each other! Soon we are in trouble.

In this chart we see the MOTIVES of the man with the Flesh in control.

"Everyone I see I'll use as a stepping stone."

Why do we have to lock the doors to our homes and cars?

Why do we have to lock the doors to our homes and cars? If you don't, someone will take your things and make them his. It is the reason we have so many locks and police.

We should also note that the Flesh or Self is not always ugly but sometimes, like Satan, comes to us as the Angel of Light, or the 'nice' Self. "If I'm nice to people, I can get them to do what I want."

Have you ever seen someone give a candy in order to get something better from his brother or friend? In the adult world it could be contrasted between politicians and dictators. It's not that all politicians or dictators/kings have wrong motives, but often the politician is nice to people to get the votes so he can do what he wants. And the dictator demands his way—or else. We must check our own motives.

When Self is in control we also have problems with our ATTITUDES.

"Everyone who disagrees with me I will destroy."

Or, "If you don't do what I want you to do, I will hate you, lie about you, etc."

Why do we have such attitude problems? Is it not because of the Flesh? What an ugly thing the Flesh is (the root of evil).

When we watch T.V. and listen to the radio, we very often hear and see the MORALS of the one walking in self-will. I'm suggesting it is:

"Everyone I see I would like to exploit."

It's not very nice, but something that is happening every day.

What is the overall BEHAVIOR of the man without God in control of his life?

"Everyone must let me have my way in self-gratification at any cost."

Why do people get murdered, cheated, robbed, and badly beaten?

Why do people get murdered, cheated, robbed, and badly beaten? The same old problem—"me" having to have my way; and when I don't, terrible things happen.

One other thing to remember is that the Flesh begets the Flesh. If one person treats another unkindly, it is natural for the person who was treated unkindly to say, "I'm going to get even!" And then you see how the Flesh grows.

We said earlier that the smallest book in the world is man's personal book of knowledge concerning himself. How big is mine? How big is yours? Maybe we should add a few pages as we become honest with ourselves.



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