This is the 'home' page for YOUTH WORLD.
You'll find links to all 142 Bible lessons for teenagers in this section here on this page.
Registered Students
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Lesson series are listed in the order in which we would recommend for you to do them.
If you're in your early teens you could begin your lessons with the series called A Country Called Heaven from The Mailbox Club.
If you are a mature teen (senior high school or older) in addition to the later series listed here you will also find some great lessons in the "Advanced" section.

*a great series for high school grads by teen magazine columnist and author, Manfred Koehler
Welcome to Youth World!
Lessons in YOUTH WORLD will help prepare you both for this life and for the life everlasting. As you work through these free Bible lessons for youth God will build spiritual maturity into your life enabling you to be the young person God has designed you to be.
You are entering a period of your life when friends have particular meaning. David and Jonathan in the Bible were special friends. In the New Testament Jesus called each of us His friend. We believe that these lessons can take the theme of friendship and help you both to be a better friend and a better person, particularly as you deepen your relationship with the Greatest Friend of all, Jesus Christ.
Here are the courses currently available in Youth World, listed in recommended order:
*A Country Called Heaven
(including VIDEO versions for lessons 2—15)
*Winners (series 1)
*Timely Topics for Teens
(including VIDEO versions)
*The Boy and the Cabin (series 2)
*Winners (series 2)
*Understanding True Love
(practical, valuable stuff about love, dating and marriage)
*Does Christianity Differ from Other World Religions?
*Teen Issues: Friendship, Dating & Sex
*Majoring in Life
(especially for 18 year old grads & college students)
A Country Called Heaven
(for a more interesting learning experience, we recommend using the MP4 VIDEO versions available for Lessons 2 — 15)
Winners (Series 1)
Timely Topics for Teens
(this series also has MP4 VIDEO versions for each lesson)
The Boy and the Cabin (Series 2)
Winners (Series 2)
Understanding True Love
Does Christianity Differ from Other World Religions?
This is a stand-alone lesson extracting a chapter from Paul Little's book "Know Why You Believe", courtesy of InterVarsity Press. It explores the very important subject of whether all major religions are basically the same. Or is Jesus Christ unique? For mature teens, looking for answers.
Lesson |
Does Christianity Differ from Other World Religions? |
Teen Issues: Friendship, Dating and Sex
…real questions from real-life teens with answers from well known columnist, Tim Stafford
Majoring in Life
...a great series, especially for those heading off to college