UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


“All About Me—the Big #1” series


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


All About Me—the Big #1

Lesson 21: Christianity


By now we have come to see that there are really only two choices: either we have selfishness or selflessness. The king of selfishness and the Flesh ruling within us, or the King of the universe and the selfless One ruling. It is God or the Devil, Christ or the Flesh. Man is incapable of ruling his own life and will have either God or the Devil in control.

God in His wisdom has brought us Christ to save us from our sins. Every one of Christianity's concepts is directly opposed to secular humanism (see Lesson 20).

Biblical Christianity's Concepts:

1) There is a God.
2) God created us.
3) He has provided a Saviour from sin and offers us eternal life.
4) We live to serve Him.
5) We follow His commandments.
6) He gives us spiritual victory and pure living.
7) He gives us spiritual freedom and the fruit of the Spirit.
8) Nations under God.


There is a God

The Bible teaches responsibility and accountability to a higher Being—Almighty God. No amount of trying to reason God away produces anything but the darkening of our foolish minds.


God created us

This is the most logical explanation of our existence. And what is most important, it is declared to be so in the Bible, God's Book of truth. The more one studies the Bible, the more one is assured that it is the truth.


He has provided a Saviour from sin and offers us Eternal Life

God has plans for man to live throughout eternity in Heaven or Hell. In His love He has designed the perfect rescue plan in the plan of salvation.


We live to serve Him

Since Jesus Christ died to save us from our sins, we die to self-will and live to glorify Him. He, in turn, gives us abundant life on earth.


We follow His commandments

We believe that all mankind will be judged for the way they live on earth: the unsaved at the Great White Throne Judgment and the saved at the Judgment Seat of Christ. God has His principles of righteousness in His Word, and it is important that we accept His standards and live by them, not for salvation (which is a gift) but for right conduct.


He gives us spiritual victory and pure living

Realizing that moral impurity leads to all forms of further complications and is contrary to the teaching of God's Word, we abstain from moral impurity.


He gives us spiritual freedom and the fruit of the Spirit

The Spirit of God gives us a free spirit so that we know we are right with God and our fellow man, when we practice the Lordship of Christ. This gives us the fruit of the Spirit and the abundant life. Instead of wanting to share because of what we will get, we share because of our selflessness.


Nations under God

Jesus Christ is King. We are patriotic to God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, our country, and our leaders under God. We are not deceived as to what one human world leader would do in this world because apart from Christ, he would be under the dominion of the wicked one, bringing every wicked device to pass.

Acknowledgements and Recommended Reading

Acknowledgement is given for the gracious permission to use the graphics in Lessons 16 and 17 (on the Church), which are owned and copyrighted by George Eager and The Mailbox Club International.

Recommended books are:

  • The Pursuit of the Holy by J. Oswald Sanders, Zondervan Publishers
  • Why Not Just Be Christians? by Vance Havner, Fleming H. Revell Company
  • The Saving Life of Christ by Major W. Ian Thomas, Zondervan Publishers
  • The Calvary Road by Roy Hession, Christian Literature Crusade



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