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presents "See and Do" Series 2
The little graphics inside the text are inserted so that your child can say the name of that person or thing the next time the graphic appears. Encouraging them to do this will make the lesson more interactive and interesting for them.

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Lesson 3
Mother promised to take Ken and Amy
shopping on Saturday morning. They thought Saturday would never come.
were excited as they got into the car. They thought it was fun to go shopping.
Ken was happy because was going to buy him a flashlight
. He needed a
for camp because he was going to sleep in a tent outdoors.

There were already many people in the store when they arrived. found many things to look at. They were so busy looking around that they forgot to watch where
was going!

"Where did go?" asked Amy with tears in her eyes. They could not see
. "What are we going to do?" asked Amy. "I think we are lost!" Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Don't cry," said Ken. " cannot be far away. Remember, the Bible says that the Lord Jesus is with us always, and He will help us."
"How?" sobbed Amy. Ken held Amy's hand a little tighter and said, "We can pray to Jesus." Ken closed his eyes and prayed, "Dear Lord Jesus, we are lost. Please, help us find . Thank You, Jesus."
Amy stopped crying. Ken thought for a moment and said, "Let us ask someone where they sell flashlights . Maybe
will be there." They asked a sales clerk, and she pointed over by the door. They found the
, but did not see their mother.

waited anxiously. In a little while, they saw
and a policeman coming towards them.
"Here they are," said .
raced toward
and gave her a big hug. They were so happy to see her.
thanked the policeman for helping her find the children.
that they had prayed, and the Lord Jesus helped them find her.
was so glad to hear that they had prayed.
"I am happy that Jesus is our friend," said Ken.
Amy skipped happily after as they all went over to the counter.
bought Ken a
as she had promised.
"We are sorry that we did not watch where you were going, ," said Ken. "We were busy looking at so many things."
"I am sorry, too, children," answered . "I was in a hurry, but I should have noticed that you were not right with me. I am so thankful that the Lord Jesus protected you and answered your prayer so quickly."
Ken asked, "Does always answer our prayers so quickly?"
"No," said . "Sometimes He lets us wait and wait. He wants us to be patient and learn to trust in Him."
When they arrived back home, took out some milk and cookies, and they all sat down at the table to talk about the day.
"Children, when you ask me for some cookies in the afternoon, do I always say, 'Yes'?"
"Sometimes you say 'No'," said Ken.
"And sometimes you say we can have some later," added Amy.
"That is correct," said . "I do that because I know what is best for you. It is the same with
. He wants the best for you. Please remember, children,
always answers our prayers, in His time! Sometimes He says 'Yes', and sometimes He says 'No', and sometimes He wants us to wait for the answer.
"We might think that does not hear our prayers when we don't get an answer right away. But He always hears our prayers!
"Sometimes a 'No' answer is better for us, and often it is important for us to learn to wait."
"I am so glad that is our friend," Ken said.
"And that He loves us so much," added Amy.
Ken thanked again for the new
and put it away. Then
went outside to play with their friends.
Learn this verse so you can say it: