under a special agreement with
presents "See and Do" Series 1
The little graphics inside the text are inserted so that your child can say the name of that person or thing the next time the graphic appears. Encouraging them to do this will make the lesson more interactive and interesting for them.

under a special agreement with
Lesson 3
Ken and Amy
watched a long line of ants
crawling across the sidewalk to an old piece of cake lying on the street.
was amazed and said, "Those
are really busy!"
"Yes," said . "
are always busy."

Suddenly they heard a truck. and
watched as the driver got out and began to turn on the water hydrant at the corner.
They knew that soon water would rush down the street, taking everything with it.
screamed, "Ken, all the
will be drowned! How can we help them?" She cried out to the
, "Get out of the way or you will be drowned!"

But the stream of water came rushing down, and the drowned.
began to cry.
was sad. He put his hand on Amy's shoulder and said, "They did not understand what you said, Amy."
They ran to Mother and told her how the
drowned. "I tried to tell them, but they would not listen," cried
explained why they did not listen. "Amy, you are a person—a human being.
are different from people. They could not understand what you were saying. The only way they could understand you is for you to become an
. Would you like to be an
"No," said . "But I wish I could have told the
what to do."
thought for a moment and then said, "I want to explain something to you. Christmas is coming soon and people
will be busy buying presents
. It is sad that many
are so busy thinking about the
that they forget or do not know the real meaning of Christmas."
"What is the real meaning of Christmas?" asked .
explained, "
, our heavenly Father, looked down from Heaven and saw that
were sinning by doing many wrong things.
"But loved all the
so much that He wanted to save them from the punishment that would come if they died with dark, sinful hearts
"How could understand
? There was only ONE way!
had to become a human being, a person, just like us. Then
could understand Him when He spoke to them."
spoke up. "If I could have become an
, I could have told the
to get out of the way so that they would not have drowned."
agreed. "And
loved every person so much that He let His Son, the Lord Jesus
, become a person like us so that He could be our Savior. "
is the Son of
, and He lived in Heaven with the Father and with the Holy Spirit long, long before the world was made. But He came into the world as a tiny baby

"Mary was His mother. Before the
was born, an angel
came to
and told her that soon she would have a son. He would be the Son of
, and His name would be JESUS. The name "Jesus" means Savior.
gave His Son to us to be our Savior.
died on the cross so we could be forgiven of all our sins.

"When was born, an
came to some shepherds in the field and said, 'I bring you great joy…for unto you is born this day…a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.'
"As grew up, He never sinned. He never disobeyed His parents or did anything wrong because He was the Son of
. He came into the world to die for our sins so we could be saved by believing in Him.
"The Bible says in John 3:16, 'For
so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' If we believe in
we will have life that lasts forever in Heaven."
asked, "Now do you understand the real meaning of Christmas?"
"Yes," answered . "It means that
is God's Christmas Gift to us."
added, "
is the best Gift we could ever have!"
Learn this verse so you can say it: