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presents "See and Do" Series 1

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Lesson 4
Ken and Amy
went outside to play. Father
was working in the garden, and they ran to him.

"I am so glad that you came out here," said . "I want to warn you to stay away from the far corner of the garden. There are some bees
there. They have a nest
in the ground. If you bother them, they might sting you."
Just then Mother called
to come inside the house.
"I wonder what that looks like," said
. "I want to go look at it."
"You better not," said . "Remember what Daddy told us."
"It will not hurt if I just go and look at it," said . Soon he discovered the place where the
were coming out of the ground. He watched them come in and out of the
had an idea. "I will poke a stick into the bees'
, and then the
will not be able to get out to sting anybody."

Just as was ready to poke the stick into the
an angry bee
came out.
started running toward the house, but the angry
flew after him.
At that moment came out of the house, and
ran into his arms. "Don't let the
sting me!" screamed

put his arms around
. That moment, the angry
on his arm!
was still afraid of the angry
, but
said, "You do not have to be afraid any more. A
can sting only one time, and he has stung me."
"I am so sorry. It is all my fault," said. "You told me not to go near the
, but I disobeyed you and did it anyway. Why did I do this?"
"It is because you have in your heart,"
answered. "All of us have
in our hearts.
made the first man and woman, Adam
and his wife Eve
, perfect and good like Himself. But
chose to disobey
came into their hearts.
"Ever since that time, people have had in their hearts. The Bible
says that we are born with
in our hearts. That is why we say and do wrong things," explained
"Now I know what is, and why I did wrong," said
. "Please forgive me, Daddy."
"I forgive you for disobeying me," said . "But there is something I cannot do for you. I cannot forgive you of your
. But I know Someone who can!

"It is the Son of , the Lord
. He came into this world to be our Savior. Just as I took the sting for you, the Lord
took the punishment for our
when He died on the cross.
"When you take Him as your Savior, He forgives you all of your and makes you a child of
"How do I take as my Savior?" asked
answered, "First you have to be sorry that you have sinned and also believe that
died for your
. Then you ask Him to come into your heart to be your very own Savior."
"I am sorry for my , and I do believe that
died for me. I want Him to come into my heart," said
. "When can I ask
to come into my heart?"
said, "You can ask
to come into your heart right now. Just bow your head and tell the Lord
that you want Him to come into your heart."
bowed his head and prayed, "Dear Lord
, I know that I have done wrong things. I am sorry for my
and I want to stop doing them. Thank You for dying on the cross for my
. Please come into my heart right now and be my Savior."
Learn this verse so you can say it: