presents the Boy & the Cabin series 1

Series 1
A true story about a boy and the cabin he learned about God in.
Written by Vaughan Durston, Founding President of U.B. David & I'll B. Jonathan, Inc.
Lesson 7: God's Great Love for Us
To hear this story read by the author, click the play button:

Mr. Campbell told us that Joseph didn't have an easy time, but he was one who believed that God cared for him and that God would work everything out for him in His time.
I was beginning to realize that my faith in God was growing as a result of what I heard from the Campbells in the cabin and what I was reading from my Bible each morning before I went down to breakfast.

The Campbells had told us that we should read at least a few verses every morning before we left our bedroom. This was a habit that we did for years and it sure helped our faith in God grow.
So far God had answered my prayers, by sending a man of God my way, finding the watch in the hay field, and making it possible to get a Bible to read.
Sometimes, Mr. Campbell would teach us that God cares by telling us about what God did for the animals. It was spring time and there were many bush rabbits along the path to the cabin. Often when my brothers and I would get to the cabin we would tell the Campbells how many rabbits we had seen on our way. "What color were the rabbits?" Mrs. Campbell would ask.
"They were white," we replied.
"The snow is melting and they will soon be turning brown," she would tell us.
"This is another proof of how God cares for the animals," said Mr. Campbell. "A white rabbit in white snow can easily hide from the wolves in the mountain, but a brown rabbit in white snow, or a white rabbit in a brown bush would have a terrible time hiding." Because of this, God has made the rabbits so that they can change their color as fast as the snow melts. The bush rabbits are white in the winter time and brown in the summer time. Wow! Isn't that amazing.
Mr. Campbell said that God cares for us humans far more than the rabbits. He knows how many hairs there are on our heads and sees the sparrow fall. Thinking about this made me feel so good, because He is a good God who loves us all.