presents the Boy & the Cabin series 1

Series 1
A true story about a boy and the cabin he learned about God in.
Written by Vaughan Durston, Founding President of U.B. David & I'll B. Jonathan, Inc.
Lesson 8: Seeing God
To hear this story read by the author, click the play button:
My brother and I asked God to find a watch for us in a hay field and God did. There were many other answers to prayer like finding a wrench in a large field, and being saved from a bear in the dark of night. We will tell you about some of these things in other series.
Remember how I was wondering about whether God could see me? These answers to prayer caused me to realize that God could see me and everyone else in the world.
One day the Campbells asked a strange question and that was if we could see God. They told us that no man has seen God face to face, that God was a Spirit and didn't live in a body like you and I do. We can't go anywhere unless we take our bodies with us, but God can be everywhere at the same time.

We are always trying to think of ways to get from one place to another, faster and faster, but because our bodies have to go with us we can only go so fast. We want to run faster, have our bike go faster, have a motor bike, a car, an airplane, a jet, or a spaceship.
God doesn't need any of these things. 1 Chronicles 16:9 says, "the eyes of the Lord run too and fro throughout the whole earth".
He sees not only the whole earth at one time but He also sees the whole universe. WOW!
God sees everything and yet He can see me and knows about all the good things I have done and also all the bad things I have done. He knows my every need, and knows that we will have to get rid of our sins if we are going to get to heaven.
Campbells had asked me and my friends if we could see God. No, we had never seen God in a body, but yes we were getting to see the God of the Bible. Every once in awhile, as we were learning about God in the Bible someone would say, "I see, I see!"
We were beginning to understand what a wonderful God He is and how incredible it is that He sees and loves us all the time.

At the cabin we came to see that…
God is eternal
God is all powerful
God is all-knowing
God is everywhere because He doesn't live in a body.
God is love; there is not a greater love than His. God's love caused Him to send Jesus to die for our sins on the cross. He is expecting us to accept Jesus as our Saviour. God knows what sin is and must punish sin. God knows we need to be saved from our sins.
God knows we need to learn about Him and that is why we have the Bible.
God is preparing a place for all those who have received Jesus as their Saviour.
God cannot be deceived as to who truly are His children.
God is righteous.
God is holy.
God will judge everyone in this world. If we are Christians it will be at the judgment seat of Christ for rewards. If we are not Christians it will be at the great white throne judgment for our sins and not having received Christ.
God is awesome.
The Campbells learned all these things from the Bible and each week taught us what they had learned.
Here is a favorite verse of Mr. Campbell's: