The Program
Here are some of the benefits of the D&J program.
- Lessons are solidly Bible-based, laying a strong foundation for life.
- Lessons go directly to students' homes, thereby reaching many (approximately 60%) who do not attend church.
- Students do lessons at their own pace with material geared to their age level.
- Lessons are individually graded so students receive special care and individual attention to their questions and concerns.
- Incentives and awards help maintain interest and motivation.
- Lessons are non-denominational and non-threatening.
- Students can receive lessons whether or not they can attend church.
- Older students can choose studies according to their interests.
- online Internet access using mobile devices makes use of modern technology familiar to today's young people.
- We do not solicit students to buy anything or join anything. Strict attention is given to privacy, confidentiality and security issues in all our correspondence.
For some interesting testimonies concerning how the D&J program has benefited various individuals, see the "Testimonials" page.