under a special agreement with
presents "See and Do" Series 1

under a special agreement with
Lesson 7

"Hurry, children," said Mother . "We are going to visit Grandmother
. She has been sick."
Ken and Amy
were excited, and soon they were on their way.
"I hope gets well soon,"
said. "She always tells us wonderful stories about Jesus
When they arrived at Grandmother's house, she looked very pale, but she smiled when she saw and

"I am so glad you came to see me," said . "I have missed you."
"Oh, Grandma," said , "We are so sorry that you have been sick."
"We love you so much," said . "And we want you to get well soon."
"I want to get well too," said . "But I cannot be sure that I will. You know I am getting very old."
were quiet as they thought about what
had said. "But what if you die, Grandma?" asked
"I am not afraid to die," said . "I took the Lord
as my Savior when I was just five years old, the same age as you,
. I have known and loved the Lord
ever since. I am looking forward very much to being with Him in Heaven."
"What will happen when you die, Grandma?" asked .
answered, "When I die, my body will be buried, but my body is just the 'house' I live in. My soul will go to Heaven to be with the Lord
"I have always wondered what Heaven is like," said . "Can you explain it, Grandma?"
"Heaven is God's home," answered . "The Bible
tells us that Heaven is more beautiful than we can ever imagine. Perhaps the best way to explain Heaven to you is to tell you about some things that will not be in Heaven and some that will be there.

"Heaven is so bright from God's glory that it will be light all the time and never dark. That means we will not need the sun or the moon
"There will be no medicine in Heaven because no one will ever be sick. There will be no tombstones
because no one will ever die.
"No one will ever do anything wrong. That means there will be no sin , no hate, and no fighting in Heaven."
"Tell us about the things that will be in Heaven," said excitedly.
"There will be many angels , more than we can count. There will be a beautiful street of gold, a sparkling river of pure, clean water and trees
on each side of the river. The
, God's Word will be there.
"All the people who have trusted the Lord
as their Savior will be there. They will all have
in their hearts, and they will live in homes more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine. That is why I call Heaven 'God's Beautiful Home.'
"The most wonderful thing of all is that will be there! He loved us so much that He left Heaven many years ago and came to earth.
" died on the cross for our sins so that we could be forgiven and live in Heaven with Him forever and ever.
" called Heaven 'My Father's house.'
says in the
, 'In My Father's house [Heaven] are many mansions [beautiful homes]…I go to prepare a place for you.'
"Heaven is my home," said with a big smile. "And because both of you have taken
as your Savior, Heaven is also your home."
When it was time to go home, and
for telling them all about God's Beautiful Home.
Boys and Girls,
Have you taken the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If so, we would like to know about it. If you took Him as your Savior while you were taking these See and Do lessons, please tell us in the space at the bottom of the Questions page.
Learn this verse so you can say it: