presents the Boy & the Cabin series 1

Series 1
A true story about a boy and the cabin he learned about God in.
Written by Vaughan Durston, Founding President of U.B. David & I'll B. Jonathan, Inc.
Lesson 4: God's Word Helps Us Grow
To hear this story read by the author, click the play button:
At the cabin we learned that there is only one way to get to heaven, and that is by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour from sin. We also learned that in order to experience God's blessing on earth we needed to follow the teachings of the Bible.

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell decided that they wanted to help people like me learn to live for God. They helped me right through my teenage years and taught me many things from the Bible.
The Campbells are not living on earth now but are in heaven. Some of us are so thankful for what they taught us that we want to do the same for you by giving you stories with questions to answer.

At the cabin, Mr. Campbell told us that we were each like a tree. I think he got the idea from Psalm 1 (click on link). We could grow up straight and tall, or we could grow up leaning in the wrong direction and eventually fall down. Where I lived there were lots of trees and some of them, like the oaks and elms, grew straight up into huge, tall trees with many branches. Other trees didn't grow up straight but instead grew in a wrong direction. This caused a lot of trouble when the trees got bigger. It was easy to change the direction of a tree when it was young but just about impossible when it was mature. When Mr. Campbell was telling us about the trees it reminded me of something.

I'm a twin, and when my twin and I went with our parents to visit our elderly neighbour, she looked at us and said, "Little children, little problems; big children, big problems!" Her children were now grown and many of them were having big problems because they had never taken correction and guidance when they were young.
"Today", Mr. Campbell said, "we must each learn to live for God and do what is right so that He can guide us into what is best for us. The tree has the sun which causes it to grow up looking into the heavens and we have the Son of God (Jesus) to help us do what is right."

"A tree," exclaimed Mr. Campbell, "takes years to grow up and needs water, good soil, and lots of sunlight." Wow! Some trees were at least a hundred years old on my Dad's farm so I knew what he was talking about. We need a little Bible reading every day if we are to stay healthy and right with God. We are either moving forward or falling behind in our relationship with God. I could see that the Campbells were sure moving forward in their relationships with God. It reminded me of the story about the rabbit and the turtle:

I once heard about a rabbit who could run really fast and a turtle who could only plod along slowly. This rabbit made fun of the turtle and told him that he could beat him in a race anytime. "Would you like to race?" asked the turtle.

The rabbit eagerly agreed and laughed as they decided where the race would start and where it would end. The rabbit and the turtle started off at the word "Go!" Rabbit took off quickly with a number of big hops.
Looking back, he saw the turtle just barely getting started. It made him laugh all the more. Soon he was so far ahead of the turtle that he could scarcely see him, so he decided he had time to lie down and have a little nap. While he was sleeping, the turtle kept plodding steadily along, caught up to the rabbit, passed him, and went on.
The rabbit finally woke up, looked back towards the starting line, and couldn't see the turtle. He started to laugh again until he turned to look towards the finish line. Suddenly, he saw the turtle way ahead of him. He jumped up and started running as fast as he could, but the turtle beat him across the finish line and won the race. "Slow and steady wins the race!" called out the turtle triumphantly.
Yes, my friend, as the Campbells told us, "If you want to learn about God and learn to please Him you will need to study His ways." Work on it day after day and week after week. You will be surprised what reading the Bible will do for you. Remember, a tree that doesn't get sunlight will not grow very much.
The Campbells gave us another verse: