Used with permission: Character by Character compiled by Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge. Copyright © CWR (
Scripture passages referenced and linked in this lesson are written out for your convenience on this page.


Lesson 13: Andrew

Scripture passages referenced and linked in this lesson are written out for your convenience on this page.
Andrew: "Manly"
Matthew 4:18 (click the link to read the passages)

Andrew was Simon Peter’s brother, and a member of the fishing community from which Jesus drew several of His disciples. Together with their partners, James and John, they plied their fishing trade on the Lake of Galilee with some success. Excavations at Capernaum, the main fishing village on the Lake of Galilee in Bible days, reveal that some of the houses were large—implying that some of the fishermen were able to make a good living from their fishing business. A fisherman’s task in Bible days was a strenuous one, and demanded total commitment. Successful fishermen were known to be reliable and industrious men—good qualities for disciples, too.
For thought and contemplation:
As commentators have often pointed out, when Jesus selected His disciples, He chose men who were already busily engaged in a task and, to some extent, successful at it. In doing this, did Jesus follow the principle outlined in Luke 16:10? It would seem so. What do you think?
“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (1 Cor. 4:2, NIV)
A new vocation

As Jesus walks along the shore of Galilee, He catches sight of Andrew and Peter at work in their boat, letting down their fishing net. The Master speaks to them and informs them that He wants them to change their vocation and become His disciples. No doubt they knew at once what was involved in this challenge—a different lifestyle, constant travelling, hours of instruction—but they seemed not to hesitate. Christ’s call came to them in words with which they could easily identify: “Follow me… and I will make you fishers of men.” The word ‘make’ in the Greek is a strong one, indicating that Christ would impart to them His own spiritual strength and power.
For thought and contemplation:
Do you know what the word ‘disciple’ means? It means to be a learner, one who follows a master—assimilating his master’s words, absorbing his teaching and following his lifestyle. On that basis—are you a disciple?
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30, NIV)
A change of leader

Andrew, prior to his call to join the group of Christ’s disciples, was a devoted disciple of John the Baptist. One day, when he was in the company of John and another disciple, a carpenter from Galilee passed by and John pointed Him out as “the Lamb of God”. Andrew and the other disciple immediately left John and went after Jesus to get to know Him better. We are not told who the other disciple was, but we do know that something began in Andrew’s heart that prepared him for the direct call of Christ. There had been many great spiritual leaders in Israel, but none so great as Jesus: others could proclaim Him, but none could equal Him.
For thought and contemplation:
It’s surprising how many Christians follow an earthly leader more than they follow their heavenly Leader. There were some like this in the church at Corinth (see 1 Cor. 1:12). It is important to respect God’s chosen leaders, but not to idolise them and make them equal with Christ. Remember—a leader proclaims Christ, but does not equal Him.
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’” (Matt. 16:24, NIV)
Introduces the family

Having left John the Baptist to seek Jesus and get to know Him more intimately, Andrew is so thrilled with his first encounter with Christ that he hastens to find his brother, Simon Peter, and joyfully introduces him to Jesus. Although a seemingly simple act, that introduction made a great impact, not only on Simon Peter personally, but on the ages to come. Simon Peter became the one to whom Christ gave the keys of the kingdom, and through his thrilling, Spirit-anointed sermon on the Day of Pentecost, opened its gates to thousands of newly-converted souls. Little did Andrew know what impact that simple introduction was to have.
For thought and contemplation:
When you introduce someone to Jesus, you just can’t tell what the outcome of that introduction will be—nor what the future may hold for that person. Have you ever introduced anyone to Christ? Ask the Lord to help you do this—today.
“…Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15, NIV)
“Oh, for a church of Andrews!” I do not know that many ministers would want a church of Peters; it would be too quarrelsome. I am quite willing for Thomas to go to the City Temple and Simon Zelotes to St. James’. Let me have a church of Andrews—of simple, loving men, content to bring people to Jesus. Men like him are so valuable because everybody can be an Andrew. Not a greatly gifted man, but a greatly faithful man; not a man who would dispute with Peter as to who should be primate, or with John and James as to who shall sit on the left hand of Christ and who on the right, but a man who simply, humbly and lovingly does the work that lies nearest to him. He surely is of those last in the world’s estimate who are first in the Kingdom of God.
(A. Hubleman)
A willing helper
As Jesus preaches and teaches the people on the shores of Galilee, great crowds are drawn to Him. On this occasion, being some distance from the nearest town and because the people are hungry, a problem arises as to how they are going to be fed. Philip points out that even if it were possible to buy food, the cost would be too great.

Andrew, overhearing these words, brings a young boy to Jesus who has with him five small loaves and two fishes. Jesus blesses the small supply and, miraculously, enough food is distributed to meet everyone’s need. Later, when some Greeks ask Philip if they can be introduced to Jesus, he appeals to Andrew for help. No doubt by this time Andrew had clearly revealed what seems to be his uppermost characteristic: that of being a willing helper.
For thought and contemplation:
Let your mind dwell on this characteristic of Andrew for a moment—that of being a willing helper—and ask yourself: is that self-same characteristic to be found in me? And remember, the thought is not just of being a helper, but a willing helper.
“And in the church God has appointed… apostles… prophets… teachers… workers of miracles… those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.” (1 Cor. 12:28, NIV)
A good learner

Jesus spent a good deal of His time teaching His disciples and preparing them for their future ministry in His Church. On this occasion, when one of the disciples remarked to Jesus how well-built and how magnificent were the Temple buildings, the Master turned to them and predicted their utter destruction. This prediction disturbed the disciples somewhat, and four of them—Peter, James, John and Andrew—approached Christ privately and asked Him to tell them precisely when the event would take place, and what would be the signs that would precede it. Andrew, no doubt, learned a lot from Jesus, not just by listening to what He said, but by asking Him pointed questions.
For thought and contemplation:
Good learners are not people who merely sit and absorb the words of their teacher, but who are alert enough to ask sharp, incisive questions. Are you a questioning person? Never be afraid to ask a question—it could mean the difference between understanding and confusion.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29, NIV)
The place of prayer
After His resurrection, Jesus instructed His disciples to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit to descend upon them. Now that Judas is dead, the remaining eleven disciples—one of whom is Andrew—make their way, along with over one hundred other followers of Christ, into the Upper Room.

They wait in prayer for a period of ten days until at last, on the Day of Pentecost, the promised power is given. As the Holy Spirit falls, everyone in the room is filled with the Spirit and empowered to carry out Jesus’ commission to them: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15, NIV).
For thought and contemplation:
Someone has said that the place of prayer is the place of power. Have you discovered that secret in your own life? How would you respond if the Lord asked you today to spend ten days in prayer? Would you, even though you might not be able to take the time because of your duties and responsibilities, at least be willing?
“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1, NIV)
The lesson to be learned from Andrew

Andrew was the first recorded disciple of Christ—and his first action as a disciple was to seek out his brother, Simon Peter, and bring him to Jesus. This makes Andrew, not just the first disciple, but the first evangelist too. Some commentators refer to Andrew as “the overshadowed saint”, in that he appears to be constantly overshadowed by his more ebullient and outgoing brother. Despite this, however, Andrew continues with his task of serving Christ, and excels as “a bringer of others to Jesus”. First he brought his brother, then the lad with the loaves and fishes, and later the Greeks.
What, then, is the main lesson of Andrew’s life? Is it not this: that though overshadowed by his more energetic and outgoing brother, he continues his ministry and service in a gracious and selfless manner. People may remember Peter for his great spiritual exploits, but in eternity there will be an equally great reward for Andrew—the man through whom the whole story of Peter began.
Used with permission: Character by Character compiled by Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge. Copyright © CWR (