presents "Know Your Bible" Level 2
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Level 2
Lesson 8: God is Our Helper
This lesson is based on the Scripture passages on this linked page.

Long ago there was a good man named Ezra. Ezra had been living in the city of Babylon. But his real home was in Jerusalem. There were many other people staying in Babylon whose homes were in Jerusalem.
Some of the people wanted very much to go back to their homes. Ezra wanted to go too. But it was a long, dangerous journey. There were no trains or automobiles, so the people would have to walk all the way. It would take many days and weeks.

They would have to go over lonely deserts. They would have to cross deep rivers. They would have to go through dark forests where robbers might be hiding.
Ezra said he would go with the people and lead them on their way. Some of the people were afraid, but others said, Let us go with Ezra. The people who were brave enough to go made ready for their journey. There were fathers and mothers and little children. They met Ezra along the banks of a river.
There Ezra talked to them about their journey. He knew it would not be easy. He knew they would meet many dangers.
We must ask God to take care of us, he said. So they prayed to God and asked him to show them the way. They asked him to take care of them and their little children and all they had.
Ezra knew that God was their helper. He also knew that God would expect them to do all they could to take care of themselves. So he planned his journey as carefully as he could.

The people were taking back with them to Jerusalem many beautiful presents of silver and gold. Ezra knew it would not be safe for just anyone to carry these valuable presents. For robbers might attack them and then the people might lose all they had.

So Ezra chose twenty-four men. They must have been very strong and very brave. You are to take care of the gold and silver presents, said Ezra to them. Watch out, and keep them, and bring them to Jerusalem.
At last they were ready and they started. There were Ezra and his twenty-four strong men who were taking care of the gold and silver presents. There were all the fathers, mothers and little children.

On and on they went, day after day. When they came to the rivers they looked for a good place and crossed safely. When they came to the desert places they made sure they had enough food and water before they started across.

When they came to the dark forests they stayed close together and looked all around them. God was with them, watching over them; but they were helping to take care of themselves.
Week after week passed and the people still were safe. They were coming nearer to Jerusalem.

At last, one happy day, Ezra and his people saw Jerusalem right before them. They were home, and they were safe. God had watched over them. And Ezra and the others had helped to make it a safe journey by being very careful.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission