presents "Know Your Bible" Level 2
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passages on this linked page.

Level 2
Lesson 9: A Wall is Built
This lesson is based on the Scripture passages on this linked page.

The people who lived in the city of Jerusalem were in trouble. Years before there had been a high wall of stone all around their city. In the wall were great wooden gates that could be opened and closed. The people of Jerusalem were very safe inside the strong stone wall. No unfriendly people could get in to fight, or to steal from them.

But this was years ago. Now the stone wall had fallen down. The wooden gates had been burned with fire. Anyone who wanted to could come into the city.
And often the unfriendly people who lived outside would break in. They would rob and steal and fight. What could the people of Jerusalem do? No one of them could fix the great stone wall alone.
While they were in such trouble there came to the city a man named Nehemiah. When Nehemiah saw what trouble the people were having he felt sorry for them. He wanted to help them make their city safe.
“If we all work together”, said Nehemiah to the people, we can fix the wall. “It is too much for anyone to do alone. But we can help each other, and God will be with us.”
The people listened to Nehemiah’s words. No one could build the wall alone, but perhaps they could do it if they all worked together. “Let us rise up and build,” cried the people.
And then how busy they were! Some of the men lifted the big stones. Some put them in place on the wall. Some made new wooden gates. Some cleared away the rubbish. There was work for all. Even the boys and girls could help. They could carry water for the men to drink. They could run errands for the workers. Day by day the wall grew higher and higher.
The unfriendly people outside saw what was happening. Of course they did not want the wall to be built. They tried to stop the workers by making fun of them.

“Ha! Ha!” they cried. “What are these people trying to do? Do they think that wall is any good? Why, even a fox could break it down!”
Now you know it is not easy to keep on working if someone is making fun of you. It was not easy for the people of Jerusalem.
But Nehemiah said, “Do not listen to them. God is helping us and our wall is getting higher and higher.” So the people worked harder than ever.

That made the men outside very angry. “If you do not stop we will fight you,” they said.
Then Nehemiah told some of his men to watch while the others worked. They kept such careful watch that those outside were afraid to fight.
Now the people worked even harder than before. They did not take time to go home at night, but they slept right beside their work.
The wall grew higher and higher. Then there came a day when the last stone was lifted to the top of the wall. The great wooden gates were put in place. The wall was finished. The city was safe once more.
The people were so happy that they had a real thanksgiving day. Because everyone was willing to help and because they all worked together they had built their wall.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission