Why this unusual name?

"U.B. David" refers to anyone who uses these lessons for personal spiritual development. The model is, of course, the David of the Old Testament. The Bible notes seven wonderful character traits which were true of David and which ought to be true of God's people today.
First, David was a person "after [God's] own heart" (1 Samuel 13:14). Here was someone who loved the things God loved, hated the things God hated (sin), chose to do the things God would choose, and desired to do the things God desired.
Second, David was "skillful in playing" (1 Samuel 16:18). This especially referred to his musical ability with the harp. But David was a talented young man in many areas who honed his skills throughout life to be a person of excellence. The question is: who are you going to use your skills for?
Third, David was "a mighty valiant person" (1 Samuel 16:18). He was brave, courageous, gallant, dauntless, lionhearted, drawing strength from the Lord as he faced some giant challenges.
Fourth, David was a "person of war" (1 Samuel 16:18). This may not sound very positive to us but it is a very important quality. David stood for what was right and learned to deal with the enemies of righteousness. He knew how to wage war against the forces that would destroy him and his people. It is a quality we too must have as we war against "the world, the flesh and the devil" (1 John 2).
Fifth, David was "prudent in matters" (1 Samuel 16:18). That is, he had good solid judgment, discretion, carefulness, tact and foresight. Prudence involves the ability to make wise decisions, not simply for short-term benefits but with an eye on future results. David had this quality and it opened the door of expanding opportunities as he matured.
Sixth, David was "a comely person" (1 Samuel 16:18). He was an attractive person, both outwardly and inwardly. This attractiveness was rooted in godly character and internal victory which David enjoyed as he walked with God.
A seventh quality is expressed in the climax description about David: "the LORD is with him" (1 Samuel 16:18). With this assurance of God's presence and blessing it is not surprising that David became such a great man of God.
The desire of our organization is that multiplied thousands of young people would become "Davids" with these seven character qualities.
"I'll B. Jonathan" refers to anyone who helps make this discipling program available and effective for all the "Davids". Again, the model is David's closest friend in Old Testament times, Jonathan, who had an intense commitment to help David become all that God wanted him to become (1 Samuel 18).
UB David & I'll B Jonathan involves a host of volunteers and some staff personnel who mark lesson responses, answer questions, pray, provide counsel, keep the website running, process the mailings and give financially. These praying, giving and living-example "Jonathans" are committed to doing what they can so that thousands of young "Davids" may be encouraged to become the people God intends them to be. Our satisfaction will come when "David" knows the Word of our God (2 Timothy 3:16) and we see Jesus Christ on the throne of his life (Luke 1:32).
See the section on "how you can be involved" for more details about being a Jonathan.