Affiliated Camps and Organizations

Help disciple your campers using the David and Jonathan program

The following 85 camps and camping organizations make use of David & Jonathan lessons and/or honor the D&J camp cards which earn students a discount at camp. Most of these camps have their own websites and in those cases their names here are hotlinked to their site — check them out.


Bear Lake Bible Camp 

Belleview Bible Camp

Birch Bay Ranch

Brightwood Youth Ranch Association

Camp Caroline

Camp Chamisall 

Camp Chestermere

Camp Evergreen

Camp Harmattan

Camp Little Red 

Camp Nakamun

Camp Okotoks

Camp Shekinah

Camp Teepee Pole

Camp Wapiti

Central Baptist Day Camp

Church of God of Prophecy Camp

Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp

David Thompson Bible Camp 

Faith Bible Camp

Hope Mission

Lone Prairie Camp 

Moose Lake Baptist Bible Camp

Pinelake Christian Camp

Pinelodge Bible Camp

Riverside Bible Camp

Ross Haven Bible Camp

Shiloh Youth Ranch 

Southern Alberta Bible Camp

British Columbia

Blueberry Bible Camp

Eagle Bay Camp

Echo Lake Bible Camp 

Esperanza Summer Camp

Lake of the Trees Bible Camp

Maple Springs Bible Camp

Ness Lake Bible Camp

Sagitawa Christian Camping Association

Sunnybrae Bible Camp 


Bird River Bible Camp

Camp Arnes

Dauphin Bible Camp

Living Fountain Bible Camp

Pembina Valley Camp

Red Rock Bible Camp

Simonhouse Bible Camp

Turtle Mountain Bible Camp

Winkler Bible Camp


Camp Aush-Bik-Koong

Camp Mishewah

Conestoga Bible Camp

Eagle Lake Bible Camp

Galilean Bible Camp

Round Lake Bible Camp

Prince Edward Island

Emmanuel Bible Camp


Frontier Lodge


Arlington Beach Bible Camp

Bethel Gospel Camp

Big River Bible Camp

Camp Kadesh

Circle Square Ranch Camp

Cypress Bible Camp 

Dallas Valley Ranch Camp

Echo Lake Bible Camp

Estevan Bible Camp 

Fishing Lake Bible Camp

Glad Tidings Bible Camp

Good Spirit Bible Camp

Kedleston Gospel Camp

Kenosee Lake Bible Camp

Ketchen Lake Bible Camp

Luseland Bible Camp

Manitou Lake Bible Camp

Pinecrest Baptist Bible Camp

Pine Ridge Bible Camp

Pleasantview Bible Camp

Ranger Lake Bible Camp

Silver Birch Bible Camp

Stoney Lake Bible Camp

Strasbourg Bible Camp

The Quest at Christopher Lake

Torch Trail Bible Camp

Trossachs Gospel Camp

Youth Farm Bible Camp 


Kamp Klondike

Marsh Lake Bible Camp



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