presents "Know Your Bible" Level 4
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Level 4
Lesson 12: The Baby in the Temple
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.
Baby Jesus was still very tiny when Joseph said to Mary one morning, "Let us take our little Baby to the Temple Church at Jerusalem, to say “Thank you” to God for Him."

Mary was very glad to go to the Temple and soon had packed up some food to eat on the journey—little flat cakes of bread, sweet figs and dates and a large bottle of water. Then she wrapped little Jesus in a soft warm blanket, while Joseph saddled the little donkey. When all was ready Joseph helped her on to the donkey’s back, and away they started, Joseph walking by the side with a strong staff in his hand to help him on the journey.
The road to Jerusalem was long and stony, and Joseph had to guide the donkey over the rough places so that Mary should ride safely on its back. She held Jesus carefully in her arms and often smiled and talked to Him as they went along.

At midday, when the sun was very hot, Joseph found a shady tree by the roadside where they could sit down and rest and eat their lunch.
Then on they went again, and soon, from the top of a hill, they were able to see the beautiful Temple shining white and gold in the sunshine. Down the hill trotted the donkey, and up another, and they were nearly there.
Mary was very glad when at last they climbed the steps that led to the great porch of the Temple Church and went inside, where it was very cool and quiet.

Among the people in the Temple that day was one old man named Simeon, who often went there, for God had told him that he would one day see the Baby Jesus who would bring happiness to all men. When he saw Joseph and Mary coming into the Temple with the Baby in her arms, his face lit up with joy, for he knew that here was the little Jesus for whom he had been waiting so long.
He asked Mary if he might hold her little Son, and taking Him gently in his arms, he thanked God for letting him see the Baby who should bring happiness to all the world. Then, after blessing little Jesus, Simeon gave Him back to His Mother, who was very glad and happy to hear what Simeon had said about Baby Jesus.

While they were talking an old woman came towards them from another part of the Temple. Her name was Anna, and she, too, had been waiting a long time to see little Jesus. She smiled at Mary, and took the Baby in her arms, and together they all went to say ‘Thank you’ to God for sending Baby Jesus. How glad Simeon and Anna were that they had seen Jesus.
And as Mary and Joseph walked softly out of the Temple and down the steps, they felt happier still, for they knew that God had sent their own little Baby to help people come to know God.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission