under a special agreement with
presents "See and Do" Series 2

under a special agreement with
Lesson 5
Father and Mother
took Ken
and Amy
on a trip to visit their cousin Billy
. Billy's family lived on a farm.

enjoyed seeing all the different animals on the farm.
showed them the new baby pigs and the little chicks that were only three days old. It was springtime and many flowers were already blooming.
was especially excited to show
his new pony named Frisky
. He was light brown.
wanted to ride
, but
said, "No, even
cannot ride
needs more training. He has to learn to obey."
After went into the house,
put a bridle on
and let him out of the barn.
"Try to ride ," said
"No," said , "
told us to wait."

" is almost trained. You don't want to ride because you are scared," teased
"No, I am not scared," told him, "but
said to wait, and the Bible
says that we should obey our parents."
"You could just tell your that you did not ride
," said
"That would be telling a lie," said .
"I will ride myself. I am not scared like you are," yelled
. He jumped on Frisky's back and raced down the path.

Suddenly fell off the pony and
galloped away.
was frightened. She ran to get someone to help
was afraid also, but he ran and tried to catch
. He prayed in his heart as he ran, "Dear Lord Jesus
, please help me!"
Then called, "Frisky! Frisky!"
Suddenly stopped running.
talked to him. He grabbed the pony's reins and led him back to the barn.
was not hurt. He just had a small scratch on his arm. "Thank you for bringing
back," he said to
"I was afraid," said , "but the Lord
helped me when I prayed to Him."
"I don't know how to pray to the Lord ," said
quietly. "I wish I did."

The children sat down near the barn. told
about the Lord
, how much He loves us and how He had died on the cross for our sins.
also talked excitedly about how
rose from the dead, and that He is alive in Heaven right now.
"Does love me too?" asked
"Sure He does," answered together. "And
will be your Savior if you ask Him," added
Every day, while they were at the farm, told
more about the Lord
. It was not long before
took the Lord
as his Savior.
The next time went back to the farm they were allowed to ride
. Billy's father had been teaching the young pony. And
had learned to obey.
First, rode
around the field several times. Then it was Ken's turn, and he was very happy about the way
obeyed him.

Then had her turn. She was afraid at first, but she soon learned that
was now easy to ride.
was only a pony, but he had learned to obey. This made everybody very happy. And
seemed to be happy also!
Do you want to be happy and also make other people happy? Then learn to obey! Whom should we obey?

We should obey the Lord . If you wonder whether or not you should do something, ask yourself, "Would
like to see me do this?" If you think He would, then do it. But if you think
would not like to see you do it, then DO NOT DO IT!

We should also learn to obey our parents. The says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."
As you learn to obey the Lord and your parents, you will be happier. And others will be happier also!
Learn this verse so you can say it: