the "Let's Talk About" series
Let's talk about STEALING.
The Bible says: "You shall not steal." (Exodus 20:15)
Has someone ever taken something of yours and not returned it?
STEALING is taking and keeping something that does not belong to you. When you take and keep something that belongs to another person, you are STEALING.
Whenever someone steals something from you—

you may feel disappointed, frustrated and angry;

you may think that you cannot trust the person;

you may not want the person to be around your things.
It is important to treat other people the way you want to be treated.
If you do not want other people to steal from you, you must not steal from them.
Some people steal accidentally.
This happens when they do not return something that they have borrowed.
Or it happens when people take something without thinking about it.
When you find out that you have accidentally stolen something, return it right away.
Some people steal on purpose.
They know what they are doing.
They choose to steal.
Sometimes people steal because they want something, or they might think that they need it.
Sometimes people steal because their friends steal. They may think that it is OK to steal because their friends do it.
They might not want to be different from their friends who steal.
Maybe they think that their friends will like them more if they steal.
Some people steal because they think that it will not make a difference. They think that no one will notice. They tell themselves that it will not hurt anyone.
Some people steal because they are angry. They may want to get back at someone who did something to hurt them.
It does not make any difference why people steal. Stealing is wrong. It is never OK to take and keep something that does not belong to you.
If you should steal something, do something about it right away. If you have not damaged or destroyed the thing you have stolen, return it.
If you have damaged or destroyed the thing you have stolen, replace it or pay for it.
After you have returned or replaced what you have stolen, say that you are sorry and try not to steal again. Ask God to help you not to steal.
It is important to treat other people the way you want to be treated.
If you do not want other people to steal from you, you must not steal from them.
A Bible example of STEALING
When the Israelites conquered Jericho, God gave them instructions that no one was to take any of valuable things they found in Jericho or there would be trouble. All of it had to be given to God.
However, unknown to anyone, one man had secretly stolen some stuff and hidden it. When the army of Israel attacked the next town, they suffered a surprising defeat.
When their leader Joshua cried out to God, asking why this happened, the Lord replied, "Israel has sinned and stolen some of the things that I commanded must be set apart for me. You will never defeat your enemies until you remove these things from among you."
When Joshua discovered that the thief was a man named Achan, he told him to tell the truth and confess what he had done.
Achan confessed, "It is true! I have sinned. I saw a beautiful robe, some money and a bar of gold. I wanted them so much that I took them. They are hidden in the ground beneath my tent."
Joshua and the Israelites took Achan, all the stuff he had stolen, his family, his animals and everything he had. They brought them into a valley where Achan and his family died. A great heap of stones was piled over Achan to remind the people of Israel how serious it was to steal, especially from God.