presents "Know Your Bible" Level 3
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Level 3
Lesson 15: Jesus Heals
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.
Jesus often stayed at Peter’s house at Capernaum, by the sea. Peter’s wife and Peter’s boys and girls loved Jesus to come there. So did the old Grandma who lived there too.

One Sabbath Day when Jesus came home with Peter and Andrew from the synagogue, she was very ill with fever. Peter’s wife came and told Jesus, and He went to her bedside, took her by the hand, and she got up and waited on them all.
I think she saw that Jesus had a very nice dinner that day, don’t you?

That evening, just as the sun was beginning to paint the sky red and gold, a great crowd of people in Capernaum set off to find Jesus.
People who were well carried sick children in their arms, or led grown-up cripples and blind people to Peter’s house. There were lame people on crutches, or carried on mattresses, there were little children in pain, but all of them were brought to Jesus.

He went out through the door and touched this sick boy’s blind eyes and made him able to see. He took that lame girl’s hand and told her to stand up straight, and her back became strong and well.

People threw away their crutches and leaped up in the air for joy that they were well again. The babies stopped their crying and began to laugh.
It was such a happy crowd that said “Thank You” to Jesus just before the sun went out of sight. They went back to their homes and told all the friends how Jesus had helped them.
By and by everybody in Peter’s house went to bed to sleep. When it was still dark, Jesus slipped out quietly, and went out to the hills all by Himself. There He talked to the Heavenly Father, and God talked to Him.
Early in the morning Peter came to look for Him and said, “Everyone is looking for you!”
And Jesus said, “Let us go into the next town that I may teach people there about God.”
And so, with Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, and the other disciples, He went to many places healing the sick and teaching the people.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission