presents "Know Your Bible" Level 2
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Level 2
Lesson 15: Jesus and Children
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

In the days of long ago when Jesus lived on earth, he used to go from place to place teaching and helping the people. Whenever he went to a town or village the people all hurried out to see him. Jesus could tell such wonderful stories. He was always ready to help anyone who needed help. He could even make sick people well. It is no wonder the people wanted to see this good Friend.
One day some mothers brought their children to see Jesus. Jesus was talking to some men. The children wanted so much to see Jesus’ face and to have him talk to them that they quietly came closer and closer.

At last a man who was standing quite near to Jesus turned and saw the children. But he did not smile and make room for them. Instead he tried to send them away. “Jesus is busy,” he said. “He has no time to bother with children. Run away now, and play.”
The children were so sorry, for they wanted to see Jesus. They wanted to hear his kind voice and see him smile at them. And their mothers were sorry too as the children turned away.
But just then they heard another voice. Such a kind voice it was, and it was saying, “Do not send the children away. Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.”

It was Jesus himself. Gladly the children came to him, for they knew they need not be afraid of this kind Friend. Even the littlest ones were not frightened and Jesus took them right into his arms and loved them. The older children came close to his side.
Jesus talked with them, and then he put his hands on their heads and asked the heavenly Father to be with them and keep them happy.
All the mothers were so glad, for Jesus did not miss a single child. And all the children knew they would never forget this kind Friend who loved all little children.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission