presents "Know Your Bible" Level 1
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission
All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Level 1
Lesson 12: Worship Him
This lesson is based on the Scripture passage on this linked page.

Far away in the East, some men were watching the sky. The people called them Wise Men. They studied the stars that twinkled in the sky at nighttime. They tried to learn all about those stars. One night as the Wise Men were watching, they saw a new star. It was brighter and more beautiful than all the other stars.
“Look!” said one of them. “There is a new and wonderful star in the eastern sky. That means that a King has been born. Let us go and see him.”
The men brought their camels.They placed on each camel its beautiful head trimming of scarlet fringe and silver bells to tinkle as it walked.
“Let us bring gifts for a king,” said another Wise Man. “We can fasten them on the camels’ backs to take with us.”
At night when the bright new star came into the sky, the camels knelt down while the men got into their places.
With long swinging steps the camels hurried along while their silver bells tinkled. The men rode all night long while the bright new star shone. When the morning sun appeared, one of the men said, “We cannot see the star when the sun is in the sky.”
“No, it is time for us to eat and rest, while the sun is hot on the desert sand.” There was not a house or tree to be seen anywhere, only shining white sand all around.

Night after night they traveled across the desert sand, with never a sound except the camels’ feet in the sand and the tinkling of their silver bells.
At last they saw tall buildings in the distance. “This is Jerusalem, where the king lives. Surely it must be here that the baby king is born,” said one of the men.
They stopped their camels and asked, “Where is He that is born to be King, for we have seen His star in the East?”
But the king in Jerusalem had not heard about the light in the sky which the shepherds saw. He had not heard about the angels’ song. He did not know about the baby that was born in the stable and laid in a manger.

He called to him some of the wisest men in his country.
“Where is the child that is born to be King?” he asked.
They said, “It is written in our Bible that Bethlehem is the place.”

When the stars came out again, the men rode their camels toward Bethlehem and there was the same star shining above it. On and on they rode until the star stood still, right over where the young child was.
The camels kneeled. The Wise Men got off. They came into the house and saw the child Jesus with Mary, His mother. They kneeled down before the baby, bowed their faces to the ground, just as people did before a king. They brought their treasures, gifts of shining gold and sweet-smelling perfumes and laid them before Him. These were the kind of gifts that one brought to a king.
(All the lessons in this series are based on Bible passages but with some imaginative scenarios added.)
Originally published by Ernest Manning's Radio Sunday School Mission