presents Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God
...a study through the Book of Judges
This presentation is 13:37 minutes long.
If you want to read the text for this Session, open this PDF.
Here's the video in downloadable MP4 FORMAT.

Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God (Book of Judges)
Session #15
This session focusses on Jephthah's controversial vow, with some applicable lessons for us. Plus, this judge (like Gideon) also has a run-in with the cantankerous Ephraimites (chapter 11:30— 12:7).
(For best results, we suggest that you view this video in "full screen" mode—click the symbol in the bottom right corner of the video. If the video doesn't work properly, open the downloadable mp4 linked in the sidebar or below.)
This presentation is 13:37 minutes long.
If you want to read the text for this story, open this PDF.
Here's the video in downloadable MP4 FORMAT.