UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.




Majoring in Life

Manfred Koehler

Author of this Series

Manfred Koehler

Real job: Former missionary to the Pima Indians of northwestern Mexico.

Favorite organization: New Tribes Mission.

Best friend: Jesus.

Other best friend: His wife of over twenty years, Beth.

Languages spoken: Spanish (el idioma del cielo), Pima (si'i la'asim no'ok), German (meine eldern sind deutsch, aber ich habe schon beinah alles vergessen), and English (with a Canadian accent, eh!).

Writing gigs: Breakaway since 1993, Brio since 1996, Discipleship Journal, Clubhouse, Clubhouse Jr., LifeWise, Physician, Power for Living, Moody—and more.

Other interests: photography (look out, National Geographic), chess (on his new Handspring Visor), half marathons (with Beth alongside all the way), tennis (rushing the net any chance he gets), and speaking at young people's retreats (where everyone is hungry for Jesus).

Areas he's about to explore: Web site design, digital photography, principles of leadership (without being bossy), in-depth Bible study (without getting bored), and intercessory prayer (without getting distracted).

Favorite books of all time:

  • Principles of Spiritual Growth, by Miles Stanford.
  • The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • The Normal Christian Life, by Watchman Nee.
  • The Chosen, by Chaim Potok.
  • Practicing His Presence, by Brother Lawrence and Frank Labauch.
  • The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition, by Caroline Alexander.
  • Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell.

Most scrumptious food choice: Chicken fajitas with lots of cheese and hot salsa, washed down with ice-cold Mountain Dew.

This series of lessons was originally produced in book form and is no longer in print. Mr. Koehler kindly granted UB David & I'll B Jonathan the rights to produce the contents of the book as online lessons. He is currently pastoring a church in Canada.


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