UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


The Boy & the Cabin series 2


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


The Boy & the Cabin

Series 2

Lesson 9: Going to Bible College



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(Click on the best answer for each question)

1. Who probably found it most difficult when the twins went to college?

    a) Mom.

    b) Dad.

    c) Their older brothers.

2. They went to college by...

    a) airplane.

    b) bus.

    c) car.

3. At their college there were...

    a) 100 students.

    b) 200 students.

    c) over 300 students.

4. They learned...

    a) to know their Bibles.

    b) the walk of faith.

    c) how we know the Bible is true.

    d) all the above.

5. A Bible story helped the twins see what their next move should be. The story was about...

    a) Daniel.

    b) Joseph.

    c) Moses.

6. Moses spent the first 40 years of his life...

    a) learning how to become a nobody.

    b) learning to be a “Somebody”.

7. Moses spent the next 40 years of his life...

    a) learning how to become a nobody.

    b) learning how easy life is in the desert.

8. God knew where Moses was...

    a) all the time he was in the desert.

    b) all during his personal struggles.

    c) when he became small in his own eyes.

    d) when all the above was going on.

9. Moses saw a bush burning for a while, but it was not burned up.

    a) True.

    b) False.

10. God spoke to him and told him to...

    a) turn around.

    b) run.

    c) get his shoes off because he was standing on holy ground.

11. When God asks something from you...

    a) don't give it to Him.

    b) give it to Him.

12. God could take something away from us that isn’t good for us or give it to us again as an instrument of blessing

    a) True.

    b) False.

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