this lessons is written by The Mailbox Club International

Overcomers series


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.

under a special agreement with

The Mailbox Club presents


Lesson 4: I am a New Person in Christ!



  • First, enter the information to identify yourself — your User ID and password.
  • Then go through the questions and click on the best answer for each question.
  • When you are finished, click on the "submit" button to send your answers.


(Click on the better answer (a or b) for each question)

1. When God looked at me in my sinful condition, He saw

    a) my many sins and He saw me as a sinner in Satan's kingdom of darkness.

    b) my sins and He saw me as a nice person who had not sinned a lot.

2. God delivered me from my sins by

    a) laying them on His Son.

    b) just forgiving me because He is so loving.

3. God delivered me from my old self

    a) by accepting me as I was.

    b) by putting me in Christ on the cross.

4. How do I know that I was "crucified with Christ"?

    a) Because I feel like I was.

    b) Because God's Word says so.

5. Once God put me "in Christ," whatever happened to Him

    a) also happened to me because I was in Christ.

    b) had no effect on me.

6. In God's sight my old life as a sinner "in Adam"

    a) will not end until I die.

    b) ended with my death with Christ.

7. I was raised with Christ

    a) as a new person in Christ.

    b) as a better person than I was before.

8. God has transferred me out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and into

    a) the kingdoms of this world.

    b) the kingdom of His dear Son.

9. I have the same body but

    a) I am now a better person.

    b) I am a new person in Christ.

10. How do I know for sure that I am a new person in Christ?

    a) Because I feel better.

    b) Because God says so in His Word.

If you have any comments or questions you can type them in here:

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