UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


Majoring in Life


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


Majoring in Life

Lesson 6: Friends with Fangs

(Knowing when it's time to shed the snakes in your life)



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(Select the best answer for each question)

1. Who was the snake-friend in the opening story?

    a) Carmen.


    b) Jeanette.

2. Jonadab’s wicked suggestion to Amnon led to…

    a) Amnon killing Absalom.

    b) incest with his sister.

    c) financial ruin.

3. The proverbial saying “Bad company corrupts good character” comes from ancient Greek literature.

    a) True.

    b) False.

4. The wrong friendships led to the author himself getting drunk once.

    a) True.

    b) False.

5. One of the valuable things to check out about a potential friend is…

    a) their popularity.

    b) their personal agenda.

    c) their sense of humor.

6. Every friendship is valuable so you shouldn’t drop any friends.

    a) True.

    b) False.

7. “The kind of people you spend time with will largely determine your life’s direction.”

    a) True.

    b) False.

8. What happened to Juan?

    a) He robbed a bank.

    b) He shot a cop.

    c) He died in a car accident caused by drinking.

9. Before he got into trouble what should Juan have done?

    a) Called the police.

    b) Walked away from his friends’ invitation.

    c) Worn a seatbelt.

10. When considering non-Christian friendships, the real questions to ask relate to the direction and nature of influence.

    a) True.

    b) False.

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