UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


presents Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God

...a study through the Book of Judges





You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 27 Script (PDF)


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God (Book of Judges)

Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God

Session 27 QUESTIONS

You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 27 Script (PDF)


  • First, enter the information to identify yourself — your User ID and password.
  • Then go through the questions and click on the best answer for each question.
  • When you are finished, click on the "submit" button to send your answers.


(Select the best answer for each question)

1. Appendix 1 of the Epilogue showed us that the religious life of the people was not what it should have been.

    a) True.

    b) False.

2. Appendix 2 of the Epilogue showed us that the moral life of the people was not what it should have been.

    a) True.

    b) False.

3. It doesn't really matter what we choose as the basis of our moral behaviour.

    a) True.

    b) False.

4. One of the frightening aspects of Israel's story is that

    a) they were too concerned about having a king.

    b) they did not punish wrong doing.

    c) they presumed God was always on their side because they were His "covenant people".

5. Abimelech's story provided a strong negative picture for us of how a wrong belief system produces immoral destructive action.

    a) True.

    b) False.

6. Samson's personal morality was based on God's Word.

    a) True.

    b) False.

7. Ethical relativism is degrading and dehumanizing.

    a) True.

    b) False.

8. What is essential in times of moral fog?

    a) Strong national leadership.

    b) A personal dynamic faith in the Lord Jesus.

    c) Dynamic church growth.

9. The values we exhibit will show whether we belong to God's kingdom or the kingdom of this world.

    a) True.

    b) False.

10. In Matthew 7 we find that the main thing Jesus requires of us is

    a) generosity to the poor.

    b) love for our neighbors.

    c) serious obedience to Him.

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