UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


presents Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God

...a study through the Book of Judges





You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 14 Script (PDF)


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God (Book of Judges)

Faith, Failure and a Phenomenal God

Session 14 QUESTIONS

You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 14 Script (PDF)


  • First, enter the information to identify yourself — your User ID and password.
  • Then go through the questions and click on the best answer for each question.
  • When you are finished, click on the "submit" button to send your answers.


(Select the best answer for each question)

1. By the time we get to the minor judges in this Book, we find that Israel's leaders are now

    a) becoming much more humble.

    b) acting like an aristocracy and acquiring the trappings of kingship.

    c) learning how best to lead God's people.

2. Our background, skills, training and personality traits are all determining factors when it comes to being called and used by God.

    a) True.

    b) False.

3. One of the factors that led God's people further into a downward spiral of distress was their lack of gratitude.

    a) True.

    b) False.

4. The difference between repentance and regret is that repentance involves confession and action.

    a) True.

    b) False.

5. In the first stage of Jephthah's career he is described as

    a) a strong leader.

    b) a negotiator.

    c) a social outcast.

6. Jephthah's outlaw stage was a valuable learning time because he learned military strategy, leadership and knowing God.

    a) True.

    b) False.

7. Jephthah's negotiation with the Ammonite king revealed that Jephthah did not know much about Israel's history as recorded in the Book of Numbers.

    a) True.

    b) False.

8. In his encounter with the Ammonite king, Jephthah argued that the king should check his

    a) military strategy, financial accounts and memory.

    b) history, theology and logic.

    c) math, intuition and circumstances.

9. Our claims as Christians rest solidly on

    a) our training and experience.

    b) our church background.

    c) history and truth.

10. In the cooperative effort between God and Jephthah which produced victory, the emphasis remains strongly on Jephthah's role as judge.

    a) True.

    b) False.

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