UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.


presents A Journey of Faith with the Patriarchs





You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 11 Script (PDF)


UB David + I'll B Jonathan, Inc.

A Journey of Faith with the Patriarchs (Genesis 12–50)

A Journey of Faith with the Patriarchs

Session #11 QUESTIONS

You may find it helpful to refer to the written script of this Session if you need to review anything:

Session 11 Script (PDF)


  • First, enter the information to identify yourself — your User ID and password.
  • Then go through the questions and click on the best answer for each question.
  • When you are finished, click on the "submit" button to send your answers.


(Select the best answer for each question)

1. By Genesis 25 what threatens to bring down the Promise God had given to Abraham and his family?

    a) The attractions of Egypt.

    b) The antagonism of the Canaanites.

    c) A combination of human failings within the family of Promise.

2. Rebekah had twin boys who were very much alike.

    a) True.

    b) False.

3. Before the twins were born God prophesied to Rebekah that

    a) the older will serve the younger.

    b) the younger will serve the older.

    c) neither would inherit the blessing.

4. The fact that we are "called and chosen" guarantees that our lives with be trouble free.

    a) True.

    b) False.

5. Who was the firstborn of the twins?

    a) Jacob.

    b) Esau.

6. God only chooses people who will be successful by the world's standards.

    a) True.

    b) False.

7. God's choice of Jacob in spite of the fact that he would be a deceiver and a schemer is an evidence of

    a) God's love.

    b) God's authority.

    c) God's sovereign grace.

8. God "loves the unlovely, and plants His promise in

    a) the promising."

    b) the unpromising."

    c) the best."

9. Grace is when God gives us what we do not deserve.

    a) True.

    b) False.

10. In the story about the returned tire, what the salesperson did for the woman showed

    a) grace.

    b) forgiveness.

    c) love.

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